Off for a ride to Grantville from Inverloch. It is about 40 km each way. I want to walk the boundary of the Shiloh Campsite. See http://www.shilohranch.com.au/welcome.htm . The Uniting Church have just bought this site from Hillcrest Christian School. We are relocating the Inverloch Uniting Church Camp to the Grantville location. See http://members.dcsi.net.au/withers/ for the Inverloch Camp.
LEFT: The Road ahead and the hill to climb. I actually went over the saddle to the left rather than up the hill. The haze is smoke from the Gippsland Fire. Today it has cleared a bit from during the week.

A nice day with little wind but that will pick up as the day moves on. Expecting 22 degrees after a start of about 10. Only a couple of hills in the way so I better get ready.
LEFT: A view of Lance Creek Reservoir (in the distance). Here is not the place to stop for relief as I have to drink this stuff. The place is brown compared to normal.
Total of 79 km covered in about 4 hours riding. Went for a walk about the property I went to visit. The ride had nice views from some of the coastal areas from the ridgelines. Bit of a head wind on the way back but a good ride. The ride is on Bikely at http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=587136

LEFT: The road back from Grantville and the hillclimb in the distance. I managed 60 km down the hill and passed Porche car club going the other way. The hill climb was about 3km long but I was able to stay in doulbe figures all the way.
I probably had less then 40 cars pass me on my side and about 60 come the other way. A milk tanker let me know he was coming on one of the skinny bits of the road so I could get out of the way.