We have the lower section of roof on friday, the rest hopefully will come this week. I moved on and installed the alfresco and the rest of the windows over the weekend. I only have the laundry door to install, which is under the section of roof yet to be installed. We decided to install the living anf family room windows with the opening awnings to the centre of the room. The roof to the portico is done and looks great, the effect of the angles is as planned.
Installing the alfresco door required work to cut the slab after removing the timbers in the slab the concreters had placed at the pour. It would have been easier if they had not used fluted pine for the timber. It would also be better to reduce the size of the timber and cut the hole to the correct size as lining up the frame locations at pour time leave a larger than required hole to be patched later. Good point is that the diamond blade for the grinder is brilliant. We didn't place timber for the laundry door so that will be interesting to cut the step out. With the size changes at the pour time it was not suitable to place timbers for the door. Next weekends job when it is under cover.
The colour match for the roof and windows is good. The shed and house match in well althoguh the roofers have used half round instead of roundline(flat back half round) Phone call monday to see what can be done.